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Transforming Our Community Through Adult Training

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

After a period of significant job loss due to COVID-19, SAMSAT extended services to include adult workforce education. This workforce development initiative allows SAMSAT to help transform the lives of the unemployed through STEM training at the new SAMSAT Education Center.

On September 2nd, the Education Center officially opened its doors for its first class, “Workforce Computer Literacy Training: Computers: You Can Do This!” This fun and interactive course introduced adult students to the basics of using a Microsoft Windows-based computer, addressed common misconceptions about computers and introduced basic computer skills like maneuvering between programs. Additionally, participants created a simple letter to possible employers using Windows, Microsoft Word, and the Internet.

Additionally, SAMSAT and Dynamic Advancement have begun planning for training of 135 people to begin on October 1. The four-week IT-related training will be the first step in getting San Antonio back to work after COVID 19.

"We are determined to help the San Antonio community thrive. If what our city needs right now is a training facility and resources to get back to work, then that is exactly what SAMSAT is prepared to offer," said SAMSAT CEO Doug King. This education center is a conduit for the community and couldn' be more proud to be helping San Antonio get back to work."

The new Education Center creates a place where SAMSAT, other educators and workforce development partners can deliver an array of training and placement services, helping thousands of San Antonians who lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.

The Education Center would not be possible without the assistance from Port of San Antonio, who leased the building to SAMSAT at no cost, aided in transforming the space and provided logistical support to kick off efforts. Other community partners who make this program a reality include Workforce Solutions Alamo, funding from the City of San Antonio and Bexar County (Bexar County Strong Workforce Program), and support from The Alamo Colleges District, Project Quest and SAWorks.

To learn more about the SAMSAT Education Center and training hub, click here.

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