Join us Tuesday, September 29, 2020, from 8 a.m. to Noon U.S. Central Time (GMT-5), for the STEM City Global Summit: Connecting K-12 Education to the Challenges of the Real World. This online half-day global summit will be based on the recent publication, STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy that our very own Chief Learning Officer, Cliff Zintgraff, Ph.D., developed as lead editor and author. Topics of discussion will include:
VIP Messages from San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, Movimiento STEM (México) founder Graciela Rojas, and Port San Antonio CEO Jim Perschbach.
Keynote Conversations: The Virtuous Cycle – with participants from SAMSAT’s network, including Port San Antonio and local industry, along with authors from the first six principles chapters of the book.
Cases of STEM Learning Around the Priorities of Cities with lead authors from the case study chapters, along with selected additional participants/moderators; San Antonio, USA; Querétaro, México; Medellín, Colombia, São Carlos, Brazil; Fundão, Portugal; and Qatar.
K-12, Workforce, and Equity in the STEM Technopolis: Principles and Learnings from Practice – group discussion with those engaged in connecting K-12 education to workforce needs, in the context of equity, and not ignoring the additional challenges of COVID-19.
What Next? – future implications from a representative group of participants and stakeholders.

Over the course of the day, participants will hear about K-12’s role in building a city’s knowledge-based economy; how K-12 partnerships with other sectors can lead to win-win scenarios and resources for K-12 STEM learning; and real-world case studies of success.
This global summit brings K-12, colleges, industry, academia, government and non-profits from across the globe together to help drive cities’ priorities forward, emphasizing K-12 education and how real-world learning can integrate with and greatly benefit city economic and social development.
Other Speakers & Moderators Include:
Dr. Cliff Zintgraff, Chief Learning Officer, SAMSAT, lead editor, STEM in the Technopolis
Doug King, CEO, SAMSAT
Dr. Rudy Reyna, Alamo STEM Ecosystem
Tyler Schroeder, The Boeing Company; Dr. Richard Butler, Trinity University Chapter: Regional Industry Clusters: A STEM Center of Gravity for Educators, Industry, Government and Non-Profits
Dr. Greg Pogue, IC2 Institute, The University of Texas at Austin Chapter: The STEM Technopolis Wheel: In Motion through STEM Learning
Dr. Paul Resta: College of Education, The University of Texas at Austin, Co-Editor, STEM in the Technopolis Chapter: Moving Toward Digital Equity in the Technopolis
Alejandro Roldán Bernal, Ruta-N Medellín, Colombia Chapter: Medellín: A Case of Self-STEAM (Esteem)
Joe Sánchez, CyberTexas Foundation Chapter: San Antonio’s Cybersecurity Cluster and CyberPatriot
Dr. Cristiane Gattaz, Empraba Instrumentation, Brazil Chapter: Verbal and Mathematical Literacy Education and STEAM in the Technopolis of São Carlos, Brazil
Prof. Ademar Aguiar, University of Porto, Portugal Chapter: Fundão, Portugal: Using STEM Education to Help Build a New ICT Technopolis
Jeanne Russell, Executive Director, CAST Schools (San Antonio)
Laura Segura, Movimiento STEM, México Chapter: Mexico’s Movimiento STEM and Related Developments in the State of Querétaro
Michellea Millis, Founder, BrownSTEM Academy
Bruce Kellison, IC2 Institute, UT Austin, Co-Editor, STEM in the Technopolis Chapter: How to Measure STEM in the Technopolis
Aurelio Amaral, WISE, Qatar Foundation
Will Garrett, Port San Antonio
Dan Pardy, Qatar Foundation
Check out the full program details here.