Saturday, March 26, 2022
Keynote Speaker
Professional Development Tracks
Preview Tour of the new
Port San Antonio Innovation Center
The Alamo STEM Ecosystem Professional Development Conference is an annual event for San Antonio-area teachers and pre-service teachers. San Antonio is a city rich in STEM-related organizations which provide innovative and relevant resources for teachers. The conference goal is to provide access to and information about these innovative resources through a free, one-day conference specifically for teachers at all career stages. The Alamo STEM Ecosystem is pleased to announce the 2022 Conference will be in-person, hosted by the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology (SAMSAT), with an online live presentation and attendance option. Located at Port San Antonio, SAMSAT has secured preview tours of the new Port San Antonio Innovation Center, a 130,000 sq. ft. facility featuring a 3,200-seat arena, gaming center, tech transfer center, and SAMSAT’s exhibit and industry showcase. The Port San Antonio Innovation Center will be a valuable resource for area teachers and students to engage in.
Call for Proposals: Alamo STEM Ecosystem Professional Development Conference
The Alamo STEM Ecosystem is seeking proposals for the annual Professional Development Conference for teachers and pre-service teachers. The Alamo STEM Ecosystem Conference is committed to providing teachers with innovative resources and relevant professional development. Keeping in line with our theme, “Innovation in a Connected World: Past, Present and Future”, we invite proposals which address: (1) Teacher learning about and incorporating innovation into their teaching practices, (2) Student learning about and application of innovation, (3) The history (“the past”) of pedagogical and teaching innovations, (4) Innovative work-based learning, partnerships, and pathway models, and (5) Topics which relate the past to present innovation, with speculation into the future.
We invite proposals from area industry, informal and formal education organizations, and teachers. We strongly encourage teachers from all grade levels to submit proposals, sharing exemplar lessons, innovative pedagogical strategies, or lessons learned and applied to teaching practices. When planning the proposal, workshops will be 50-minutes and should include time for Q&A. Selection criteria will include level of innovation and potential for audience engagement and active participation.